Monday, October 8, 2007

Practical Steps to Positive Thinking

If we can learn to change our thoughts to reflect a positive attitude we will actually see a change in our lives.

"Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change." -Dr. Wayne Dyer

Thoughts Rule Our Lives

A basic concept to understand is that your thoughts rule your life. If you tend to see the world around you as basically a warm, welcoming place, then you will tend to seek out the goodness in all things, even during the most trying of situations. However, if you see the world as a cold, dark place, this attitude will be reflected in the world around you.

It can be profoundly difficult to find goodness in this fast-paced world of ours. Our environment is full of negative messages that are instantly accessible- turn on the television, open up a newspaper, cruise the internet or listen to the radio and you will find examples of negativity. Or talk to one of those friends of yours that always has something to complain about. You know the one- you will receive all the negativity that you can stand.

After being in this exposed to this, how do you feel? My guess is that you feel mentally, emotionally and perhaps even physically drained. So what can you do to promote positive thinking and to change your thoughts to promote a healthier attitude?

Tips to Promote Positive Thinking

Here are some practical steps to help promote positive thinking:

*Associate as much as practical with positive people that encourage you, lift you up and make you feel good about yourself.

*Exercise daily. Even 20 minutes of walking in fresh air can do wonders to boost your positive attitude.

*Incorporate a news fast. Go two weeks without watching the news or reading a newspaper. Notice the subtle change in your attitude.

*Acknowledge that you are not in control and trust in a higher power. AA has the slogan "Let go and Let God"- I have found that this works in my life.

*Watch and read things that make you laugh. Laughter has a tremendous healing power, and can make you feel good about yourself and those around you.

*Volunteer at your local church, homeless shelter or food pantry. When we give to others and forget ourselves, it is amazing how our positive attitude is reinforced.

*Say daily affirmations that are meaningful to you, especially when you wake up or before you go to sleep. Positive affirmations seep into our subconscious and in time will replace negative thinking. The time of day matters because we are most prone to suggestion at these times of the day.

Remember that there is nothing wrong with having negativity in our thinking- we are after all human. What we want to avoid is allowing negative thoughts to govern our lives.

Try to incorporate at least one of these tips into your daily routine and see if your thoughts- and your life- do not change for the better. You have nothing to lose except negativity.

Michael Kaszuba writes on issues related to the benefits of a positive attitude and self esteem. You can learn more by visiting my blog Benefits of a Positive Attitude at

Do You Have A Positive Attitude?

Article by Adam White

A positive attitude can change all things for the better. The attitude in your mind can change your health, your happiness, and how you react to stress. Optimistic people seem to heal better after an operation, have less pain, perform better at work, their children are happier and less unruly, and they have better marriages, after an operation, if the patient is optimistic, they improve a lot faster. Parents who raise children with a positive attitude have less chaos and more stability. The children have better grades in school, associate with other children in a more positive way, and have better immune systems.

As you see there are several ways that a positive attitude can affect someone in several different ways. A positive attitude must come from inside you so you believe in yourself and are able to accomplish anything you set your mind to. Some ways to help your self change to a positive attitude include;

* Say positive things to yourself like, "I can do this", "it's not so bad", or "I will try, even if I fail".
* Don't let yourself have negative thoughts.
* Write positive thoughts down and put them on the refrigerator to remind yourself to be positive until it comes more natural.
* Visualize in your mind, a positive pictures, Example: your foot is broken, picture in your mind, walking on that foot again.
* Let go of feeling of guilt and forgive yourself and others. Life is much better when you get rid of negative thoughts and feelings by forgiveness and not feeling guilty.

There is also a lot of power in laughter. It boosts your immune system allowing you to be healthier, it reduces pain, and it helps you heal faster. Keep on hand funny movies, videotapes, pictures, or books. Invite friends over to watch moves, look at pictures or discuss a book. Friends can help change you from a negative attitude to a positive attitude just by talking to them, socializing with them. They understand you and have a desire to help you overcome all things from depression to arthritis. Help others by volunteering your time. You will live longer and enjoy your life more. Sometimes we see others have a lot more to complain about than we do. Get a pet or plant. It has been proven simply by stroking the fur of our pets, our blood pressure goes down and it slows the heart rate. It is nice to be needed.

A positive attitude is also contagious. You can pass on your enthusiasm by simply being positive around someone who is not positive. A positive attitude can be the difference in you getting a promotion or overcoming an illness. It affects everything you say and do. A positive attitude does not cost anything to have and you can keep it for as long as you want. It makes you the person that you want to be. Start a positive attitude today and see what your potential can be.

Stay positive with more tips and advice on self improvement at

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Optimism Is Good For You - Discover The Enormous Benefits Of An Optimistic Attitude

Optimism can be learned. How you see your circumstances depends on your point of view and you can always change your point of view.

"Two men look out through the same bars: One sees the mud, and one sees the stars." Frederick Langbridge

How do you respond when life doesn't go your way? If you come second in a race, do you jump for joy and aim for first next time, or are you so discouraged that you find an excuse not to race again?

You can view events pessimistically and live a self-defeated life or you can choose to be optimistic, expect the best and live a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Studies indicate that a positive attitude and optimistic outlook can bring better health and greater happiness. A positive outlook is known to have many benefits.

Optimism is linked to

* Positive mood
* Good morale
* Greater success
* More happiness
* Popularity
* Good health
* Long life
* Freedom from stress

It pays to be an optimist

Optimists expect the best while pessimists tend to believe bad events are inevitable. This undermines all that they do. Optimists faced with exactly the same circumstances tend to see obstacles as temporary setbacks and quickly move on. They tend to reinterpret negative experiences in a way that will help them to learn and grow. Rather than let obstacles get them down, they respond to them as a challenge and push through, hoping for the best and believing that things will get better.

Unlike pessimists, they don't say "things never work out for me," " I failed last time, there's not much point trying again".

People respond positively to optimists

Optimists have a tendency to draw people towards them. Their optimistic view of the world tends to be contagious and helps to lift people up. People prefer to be around optimists. Who really wants to be around someone who spreads gloom, makes them feel bad and spoils their day?

Optimists are healthier and live longer

Medical research shows that simple pleasures and a positive outlook can significantly increase the body's ability to fight disease. Optimistic people are usually more healthy, age well and outlive people prone to negative thoughts. A positive attitude and optimistic outlook is a good predictor of well being in later life.

Even if you have been pessimistic and prone to negative thinking for a long time it's not too late to change the way you think and reap the benefits of an optimistic attitude. If you change your point of view and practice optimistic, positive thinking you'll begin to feel better and life will go better. Try it and see for yourself.

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Lynne Lee is a Christian life coach and spiritual mentor. She helps people to re-design their lives around what matters most.